August 31, 2010

Silver's Interview with sunflower-queen about 'Dawn of Day'

Dawn of Day by sunflower-queen

Summary:  He loved her so much, even then, that he'd tried his hardest to hold them together... He'd tried. But in the end, it hadn't mattered. She'd left anyway.

'Dawn of Day' is an alternative Breaking Dawn story that keeps you guessing from the moment you begin reading.  It’s mysterious and heartbreaking, and had me desperately waiting for updates.  It draws you in and doesn’t let go, and you can’t stop thinking about what could have possibly happened to the characters.  The author is wonderful and sweet, it was a great to have the chance to chat with her.  



August 27, 2010

Sue's interview with TXBirdie about her fic Tangled up in Blue

Edward Cullen is looking for inspiration to write THE American novel. Bella Swan is looking for inspiration, any inspiration, to pull her from her doldrums existence. But what they find in each other, neither of them could have expected.

You know what I have nothing witty to say this morning. The kids are screaming and arguing over whether or not 5yr old Nik does indeed have Jammie socks.
I have long ago given up the illusion of being able to say that I truly understand my kids.
Now where was I cause I got interuptted by the kids again asking about socks ...just a minute EMOTEEN 1 needs some redirection..

The point? When your a mom writing is anything but easy even the nonsense I put up here.

This story is about Bella who always wanted to be an author, well real life got in her way. Kids, a husband ,cleaning gum out of the carpet, trying to determine that mystery stain in the carpet and not really wanting to know the answer ...

She gets a chance to do something different. For one week a year she goes on a writers retreat.

Just reading that I started singing heaven ..I'm in heaven.. and my heart beats so that I can hardly ... BOYS!! STOP IT! MOMMY IS BUSY!


Through the course of these retreats we get to know Bella and oddly enough Edward is another writer and he is at the retreat.

THAT'S right Bella and Edward are NOT married in this fic
She is married to Jake
He is engaged to someone else
This story goes on the thought that Bella and Edward are the soul mates we like to think of them as so  what would have happened if fate made them not meet in high school? Does that connection still exist even though they are devoted to others ? If so what do they do about it?

OK the author and I talked for HOURS (not that that is anything new I am a talker!) we had so much fun ! wish you all could have been there
OK lets learn more about her and her fic in the interview I sure hope it makes sense we got a little goofy and my kids kept interrupting as always SO you know what to do. Read the interview, look at the sexy cuddle pics - some of which may be NSFW, I am going for sensual here - and then leave some love


August 25, 2010

Undiscovered Gems

Disclaimer: Please note that we from SYTYCW haven't read the stories we mention in Undiscovered Gems (at least not all of them). This here is mainly an opportunity for authors to pimp their stories. =)



August 24, 2010

Who's up for a Quickie?

WARNING! WARNING! This post contains links to O/S recs I like if, you guys like this, I will do it again. ALSO this POST has not I repeat NOT been seen by any of my editors so forgive me for my lack of punctuation I suck at it. (Insert Nita giggles.)

Have you ever found yourself in the mood to read, but do not have the desire to wade through a full length fic?

Ever been sitting in the waiting room, ANYWHERE, bored out of your mind because of the old home country living magazines the doc has there, and WISH you knew of of a O/S to just take your mind off of things?

Did some fic just make you BAWL your eyes out and you need something funny?

WELL, I got some fic recs, some funny some sexy, some just *SIGH*.

IT's TIME for O/S Recs!


August 23, 2010

Just a little something NEW. FIND THAT FIC: Quest 1


You know that feeling when you have read a fic, and you liked it but forgot to save it to your favs? Or you remember you have a fic saved to favorites, and all of a sudden the overlords swoop in and take it all away?

WELL, let's say you rec this fic to a friend and you don't know the name of the author and you have no idea how to find that fic???


I know lots of people ask on twitter, and that it helps IF people see your tweet!

Besides, have you tried explaining a fic in 140 characters??

I don't know about you, but when it comes to fic I am a wordy bitch (OK, OK I am a wordy bitch no matter what)!

THIS idea came to me (which means someone else came up with it and told me to do it):

IF you have lost a fic and cannot find it in the usual resources, or have no idea what the name of some fic is, that you think you have read.

GIVE me the best description you can of the plot. I will put it up here and we can have people hunt down the fic.

It may have gotten posted at another site or removed entirely. I will betcha that SOMEONE will know where the fic went.

I will do this ONLY once a week, similar to Undiscovered Gems.
IF I have a fic for fans to find, I will post these on Mondays.

HERE is your first Quest:


From Dahianna

Ok, Sue, here. It's the story who's name was "All Grown Up". It was a Bella story, most of all, but has Edward as well. They are neighbors,  she is bff with Alice, who is sister to E and he is older. Over the years, he notices her and they get together, but not for long and them he marries a model, and she marries a Italian musical producer. She sleeps with Edward once, and gets pregnant but never tells E. Over the 2 years go by, her husband dies in a plane crash and at the funeral they all notice the kid looks like E. It's really angsty but really good. She also wrote six degrees of separation. I was reading it when it was pulled, so not sure about that one. Anyway, thanks lol.

Try not to get too distracted.

Does this fic sound familiar to any of you? Do you know the name of the author? Are you the author? Do you know where we can find this fic or anything about it?

SO send me an e-mail to the blog. In the subject line please put FIND THAT FIC Quest 1.


August 19, 2010

Swimom7's interview with Javamomma0921 about 'All That Jazz'

It’s 1919.  Meet Bella and Alice Swan.  Their father died when they were very young and their mother was a recent victim of the Spanish influenza in Philadelphia.  Although it is questionable who was truly the victim: Renee Swan or her youngest daughter, Bella.  Raised to believe that she could only hope to be her husband’s servant, Bella is unprepared for the new ideas that the Jazz age is bringing with it.  What will happen when Bella and Alice leave everything they know in Philadelphia to live with their Aunt Esme, the mother’s “brazen” older sister?  Who will they meet? How will their lives and ideals change?   
This is the summary of All That Jazz on and by Javamomma0921, an amazing period piece set in the 1920s Age of Jazz.  The country is about to enter into the Great Depression, the Flappers are in prolific supply as women begin their amazing emancipation from the Victorian Era.   
Enter one Bella Swan.  Sister to Alice Swan, orphans of the Spanish Influenza and a domineering mother who refused to move forward with the times.  While the exuberant Alice finds herself eager to embrace her new life with her Aunt Esme, Bella, the more reticent, more reluctant sister is confused and dismayed at her new life.  How is she to act?  React?  Her dead mother would surely not approve.
Enter Edward Anthony Masen, son of Esme and Carlisle’s good friends the Masens.  As a future lawyer, he is hired to teach the girls their lessons, but when Bella literally stumbles into his life one day as he is expressing himself on the piano with the new Jazz music, he is smitten, and Bella is spellbound.   
In a time where the touch of a fingertip on a wrist was all that it took to start the blood boiling; where a look or a pressing of thigh against thigh was stolen in the back of the new-fangled automobiles, Edward and Bella learn to control their desires, and explore their love.   
All That Jazz by Javamomma0921, who’s real name is Jen, brings you back to the Golden Age where stolen kisses were taboo and courting was the norm.  Javamomma0921 builds the anticipation better than anyone I’ve ever read and makes hand-holding as hot as some of the most graphic lemons on Fanfiction.   
Oh, and lemons?  Well, there will be those too.   


August 18, 2010

Undiscovered Gems

Disclaimer: Please note that we from SYTYCW haven't read the stories we mention in Undiscovered Gems (at least not all of them). This here is mainly an opportunity for authors to pimp their stories. =)



August 17, 2010

Sue's Interview with clpsuperstar about her fic 'Million Dollar Baby'

When Renee is diagnosed with a terminal illness, Isabella makes the ultimate sacrifice. Selling herself to the highest bidder to do with her as they please may just prove to be more than she bargained for

I saw this story rec'd on Twitter. Lately that is where I am getting my fic recs from. Do not let the name of the fic fool you, this is NOT about a boxing Bella. NOPE in this fic the 'million dollar part' refers to what was paid for her services.

NOW I want to warn you this is not a fic for everyone.

This fic deals with sexual slavery

Let me try to explain further WHY I am recommending it:
First off, Bella WILLINGLY sells herself and her virginity to the highest bidder. She does this because her mother is dying and they do not have the money to pay for the medical care for her. The deal she makes is 5yrs of her life where she will live as a slave to whoever buys her. Enter Edward. YUP, you guessed it, he buys her.

I think the neatest thing about this fic is how, when you hear that Bella sold herself, you assume she has lost control of her life. I like the little ways that she is in control of things. Also she has no idea the power she has over Edward and he has no idea the power he has over her.

Sure there is the hot physical stuff but you KNOW that these two are fighting real emotions. She keeps things from him like the ability to call her 'Bella'. It is her way of distancing herself from him.

Of course she is physically attracted to him but she does not want to fall for him because, who would? A man that would buy a woman for his own pleasure surely cannot be a good man.

SO lets read the interview about the story. Maybe some insight from the author will convince you to read it!

Some pics in here may not be what you want to look at around others.



August 16, 2010



I want to post 5 times a week crazy I know sadly I cannot keep up this pace alone my kids start school soon so I have two options slow down on posting OR ask for help I am leaning toward asking for help

YES SYTYCW wants you

here is what we need

I need guest bloggers


I do not think we review enough fics here there are so many in just the twi fandom alone and I really have a VISION of SYTYCW being a blog about ALL fandoms call it a kooky dream
SO if you read fic in another fandom LET ME KNOW

IF you love an aspect of twi fic that I do not cover

For example Wolf Fics
Vamp Fics

Angsty fics that Tanja does not have the time to get to

The AuHuman fics that I do I cannot get to all of them

non cannon pairings !! 


O/s too!

I really wanna see Crack fic recommended as well

NOW here is what I look for in a fic
I look for a story that I like
I try to look for a story that would hold up NO MATTER what the name of the characters may be

I know that the idea of interviewing authors is daunting to some
HOWEVER that is how we roll here the idea behind interviewing the author is to find out HOW they do what they do and to get to know them better as people
I use the same questions of every author every time for several reasons
1) I am too lazy to make up new ones everytime
2) I think it is neat to see the answers

As a Guest blogger for SYTYCW
you can choose the story you interview provided another blogger here has not already claimed it
you can blog as often or as little as you like no pressure it is for fun
I get that people get busy TRUST ME I have 5 kids I get busy

So if you wanna join in the fun let me know

August 13, 2010

SUE's interview with BellaFlan about her fic Becoming Bella Swan

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

August 12, 2010

Sue's interview with Mac214 about her fic Coming through the Rye

The following post contains things of a very hot and NSFW nature including, but not limited to, hot actors , men in kilts and naked men. If you can't handle this, or have a heart condition then well gosh, go somewhere else, I guess. we will miss you!

THIS STORY WAS PULLED by the author she is pursuing a career in legit publishing NO this is not going to be published she is going the traditional route with original stories we wish Mac all the best and thank her for her entertaining stories while they were available. Im leaving this post up because well the fic was good the interview is entertaining and the pictures are great! 

AHHHH Ryeward, I have a such a thing for you

And who wouldn't? He's a guy who looks, and acts, like a guy! A guy that does not look like a model, that speaks with an accent, and occasionally likes to air out the boys wearing a kilt. Combine all of that, and you get a fandom that MELTS !!!!

He is funny.
He is sweet.
He farts.

Wait, WHAT??

Yes, he farts.
It blows all illusion of the perfect romantic hero, but the guy is so freakin' sweet you just can't resist him

And did I mention that he speaks with an accent ?

Of course SOME (profitina you freak I am looking at you) think that a Scot accent means he sounds like Shrek


In my head I hear a cross between
Sean Connery
Ewan McGreggor
I know he's Irish IDK he's also cute
and just a smidge of
Sean Biggerstaff (I only mention him cause his last name is FUCKIN AWESOME for a Scotsman to have).

SO what can I tell you about the fic Coming Through The Rye OTHER than it has a guy in it who is a scot?


I'm kidding! This fic, written by Mac214, is about Bella. She is in lusty love with her best friend Edward, who happens to be in the US on a work visa.
Edward is dating someone else, Senna.
What happens when Edward loses his job due to cutbacks? How will he be able to stay in the US?
Well, he'll marry an American of course!
SO, he and Bella marry for conveinience,
AND the adventures just start from there.
What we have here is a comedy of errors and romance, with Scot sayings thrown in for good measure.
This is a feel good fic, with warm fuzzies and bonny knobs

Here is how she puts it :
"I'd never been one of those women who found foreign accents sexy until I met Edward. Now, even plaid made me horny." Bella is in love with her best friend, Scottish expat Edward, and she'll do anything for him. Anything.

NOW let's see what Mac214 has to say during my grueling interview.
THIS is where things take a turn for the NSFW side. SOME of the pics have something to do with the fic, and others are just there ...because I like them! ENJOY!


August 11, 2010

Undiscovered Gems

Disclaimer: Please note that we from SYTYCW haven't read the stories we mention in Undiscovered Gems (at least not all of them). This here is mainly an opportunity for authors to pimp their stories. =)


August 10, 2010

Sue's interview with WendyLou author of Patriot Hearts

 (Banner made by MsRason)
I am sitting here staring at my computer wondering WHAT the heck to write about this fic 

I am trying to be different and unique 

and I am coming up with nothing 

THIS is not the fault of this story rather the fault of my tired little brain 

I found this fic in a period romance community and I was all excited because you guys know I have a thing for period Romance (at least you should by now) 

WHY do I like period Romance because you can read the characters in their Cannon behaviors and it just fits better 

Edward and his possessive sexist attitude fits 

Bella and her blushing shyness 

and let's not forget the whole morality thing it fits a different time better

here is Wendylou s summary 

In colonial America, farm girl Bella would rather play in the wilderness than behave like a young lady. Edward is the son of a rich landowner and very proud. An unlikely romance unfolds.

AND now for my reasons you should give this little diddy a read 

It is a sweet fic It has all the romance and insecurity of a young girl falling for a guy it spans more time than the usual twi fics where they fall so each other so the twilight story line in my opinion works better with this story I think it is neat to watch characters grow and change and learn from their mistakes in a story.

Give it a shot ! 
You know the drill read the fic and leave the love!

 What was it that gave you the ‘spark’ for your story?   Was it a picture? A moment or event? Can you remember the initial inspiration?
  I think the original idea came to me while on a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina.  The trip takes us two days, so we usually stop overnight in Colonial Williamsburg.  We spend the morning of the second day walking around and shopping in Williamsburg before we complete our trip to the beach.  It was actually at one of the sidewalk booths where my daughter was trying on these pretty straw hats that the thought occured to me: if my daughter looks this cute in these old fashioned clothes, I think Bella would too.  Anyway, that was the spark and the more I thought about it the more I thought that the colonial time period would be a good fit for Edward and Bella, even Jacob seemed to fall into place as an Indian.

 Do you have a particular process when it comes to your writing, perhaps a certain mood, environment or music? Do you have any ‘triggers’ to get you in the writing mood?
  I usually prefer it to be quiet so I can focus.  I don't like music or distractions.  When I write, it is my quiet time. As far as a trigger, it usually starts with an idea of a sweet ot angsty moment that I can't wait to see Bella experience.

  Give us an elevator pitch. Say you’re in an elevator with a prospective reader for 2 minutes – what would you tell them about the story?
 I am not a good salesperson so I would probably just say ..."If your interested in a sweet romantic story about a girl with a little spunk, you should give it a read."

Do you picture particular actors for your characters, or are they someone else entirely? If so, who?
  I hate to answer this question because I think that it is using your imagination that makes reading fun.  I read the Twilight books before I saw the movies and my Edward and Bella are quite different in my minds eye from RPatz and KStew.  I like that and I wouldn't want to plant the seed in someone's head about how colonial Edward and Bella should appear.  In fact, I am purposely vague sometimes in my story because I want the reader to fill in the blanks with their imagination.

  Is the story all planned out or do you do it as a fly by the seat of your pants thing?
 Both.  Since Patriot Hearts is my first story, I am learning as I go.  I have a general plot line and outcome in mind for the story that is woven into the events of the time period in which the story takes place.  I also have a place where I brainstorm and organize ideas as they come to me.  But each individual chapter just starts with a small list of things that need to happen in that chapter to progress the story, how these things unfold is completely by the seat of my pants.
Do you have a Beta and would you like to give him/her a shoutout here?
   No. I don't have one.  When I started the story I was just playing around with it, not thinking that anyone would pay any attention to it.  I never got around to finding out how you get one.  I think if I write another story I will definitely get one.  I also would like to learn how to get a banner made, that would be awesome.
Have you got any other projects going on? Any planned for the future?
   I am only working on Patriot Hearts at this time, but I think it would be cool to do a sci-fi story with Edward and Bella.  You know, maybe, something Star Trek inspired.  I love that stuff.
 What was it that brought you to Twilight fanfic?  What is it that has kept you here (besides your own writing)
    I loved the twilight books and those characters.  The fanfiction is a natural step in an effort to never have to finish the story.  Thats what drew me to fanfiction and what keeps me here.  I don't want a good story to come to an end.

Do you have a background in writing?  

   No. None at all, but I don't think you need to be a good writer to tell an interesting story.  In fact, I've read some pretty poorly written stories that kept me reading because the author was creative with the storyline.  I don't expect my story to be the best story ever written,  I just want it to be an entertaining read. 

  How about your creative self-confidence?  By nature writers tend to be a notoriously insecure lot so how are you finding the online writing experience?
  I am pretty insecure, I have to admit. When I post a chapter, I keep checking the reviews to see what people have to say.  Readers have been so kind with their reviews that I'm feeling good about what I've written so far. The fact that I'm being interviewed by you makes me think I must be doing something right. In the end, I tell myself that it's all for fun and if no one else likes it--so what?!

  Do you tell your friends and family that you’re an online author with a devoted following, or is this something that you tend to keep for yourself?
  I have told a few of the girls I work with and my immediate family that I'm trying my hand at writing, but that's it.  It is still personal to me and until I feel more confident in my writing I'll keep it to myself and a trusted few. I have to admit, I am a little worried about when I go to write lemons what everyone will think. I'm a little shy that way.
  Is there a particular character in your story that you identify with the most?
    I think most women identify with Bella in all the stories because she gets to live out all our different romantic and lemony fantasies, so I fit right into that category. As far as personality type, I probably match Charlie the most.  I am laid back and level headed like him and I tend to want to take care of everyone.

Which RL author(s) inspires you?
     I don't have any one favorite author but I have always loved science fiction / fantasy: The Lord of the Rings, The Sword of Shannara, The wheel of Time, The Dragonriders of Pern.  All those wonderful other worlds to get lost in -- I love them all.

  Did any FF authors inspire you?   What was it that had you reading FF and thinking “I could do this”?
    Not any one in particular.  There are many really great ones out there, but I think the ones that aren't so great are the ones that inspire me.  They are just writing for the fun of writing, not because they want to be a serious writer.

What advice would you give to an aspiring fanfic writer?
     Not a bit.
 Give us a Random Fact about yourself?
     I hate the sensation of having a fan blow on me.  I can't even stand riding in the car with the AC vents pointed in my direction. It irritates me to the point of insanity.--- Is that random enough?

 If you could have 15 minutes with any Edward FF or SMs which one would you choose and what would you do?
If you do not LIKE any of the Edwards feel to substitute an actor here. Rob, Kellan, PFach or Jackson or my personal favorite Colin.*SIGH*(taking a moment to contemplate Colin) any actor at all really
     Yeah, I swoon for Colin too, but if I could spend 15 minutes with an Edward it would be the SM one that I envisioned when I first read Twilight. He is just the right combination of boy you crushed on in high school and dark mysterious man of the world.  What would we do? Well, 15 minutes isn't long enough to do anything reeeaallly fun (wink, wink) so I would probably have him do tricks like pick up a car and see how far he can throw it or drive nails into a board with his pinky.  You know, let him show off a little. 

What is your FanFic Pet peeve?
    I love that the Twilight community is made of members from all over the world. It's cool, but It kind of irritates me when foreign authors don't use the correct American terminology in stories set in America. We have living rooms / family rooms not lounges, sweaters not jumpers,  sneakers / tennis shoes not trainers, etc.

What is your Fandom Pet peeve?
     It's all good.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
      I never really have had any lofty ambitions.  I just wanted to be happy and I always wanted to be a mom and luckily that dream came true. 

Anything else you would like to add?
     Not really, but how about my favorite quote?---"My question to them is: When is the right time? If not now, when? If not us, who?"  Barak Obama


August 5, 2010

Sue's interview with Spanglemaker9 about her fic, The Wedding Party

I have spent two days trying to figure out something witty and clever to say but my brain lately is not working, so I will just be all fangirly and blunt.

For those of you that follow the blog, you will know I am a fan of Spanglemaker.
I have interviewed her for her fic, Faking It, and for her collab Girl with the Red Umbrella. I have read all of her stuff, and have even gone so far as to read the stuff she has on her favorites list (I stalk this poor woman. SOMEONE SAVE HER!).

What I find fascinating about Spanglemaker is she is so dang humble. Really, dear, just take it from me.

She writes lovely fic.
NOW, let's talk about The Wedding Party.

IF you are looking for a smut fest, this is NOT a fic for you. Yes, there is sexin', but not every chapter.
IF you are looking for a well-told tale of growth in characters, with some UST and unrequited love, with characters you just wanna slap sometimes to get them to actually TALK to each other, this is IT.

OH and the biggest thing I love about this fic:
NO defined "bad guy". There is no axe-wielding murderer, no slutty, jealous girlfriend, it is just real.

Enough of my rambling, here is her summary:
The perfect person appears at the worst possible moment, and one unforgettable encounter changes everything.
Read on for my interview with Spangly.
You know the drill. Read the interview. Read the fic. Leave the love!


August 4, 2010

Undiscovered Gems

Disclaimer: Please note that we from SYTYCW haven't read the stories we mention in Undiscovered Gems (at least not all of them). This here is mainly an opportunity for authors to pimp their stories. =)


August 2, 2010

Sue's Interview with 4theloveofMary about her fic Private Tutor

There is no banner here because I looked at Twilighted and I could not find it ! I am sad oh well here's the link to the story

 I first read this fic back when I started reading fic over a year ago 
NOW I am gonna say this fic has all of those cliches we all hate in it so WHY am I recing this story to you to read 

Because the story itself is just that dang good 
