July 29, 2012

HAPPY 3 Years SYTYCW Bloggiversary post

YES,  I have been talking to you via SYTYCW for 3 years!!!! The thing that is even more shocking, is some of you have been reading my rambles that long!

 To think, it all started because I was on a chat board about a pretty boy. Also, reading fic about a character he played in a series of movies.

I have met amazing people along the way. Some I consider to be my dear friends even though I have never seen their faces in real life.

SO, from me and the rest of us here at SYTYCW...... Thanks!

I have some gifts for you.

This week, two of my posts will be about books you can buy by two fandom writers. (It was supposed to be three, but Sarah and I got busy with real life stuff. We did not get to read the third one.)

First, we will have a contest to win an e-book by one of the first ladies I ever interviewed. She is the lovely Killian McRae . She has graciously offered her book, A love By Any Measure. Which is the reworked version of her fic, Twice As Long As Yesterday. You will get a review about this book by me. Your fandom friend that loved the fic. AS well as a review from Sarah. Who never read the fic and would not know who Killian was if she tripped over her. (Gee, thanks Auntie Sue!! LOL) 

I am usually WAY more graceful than that! LOL -Sarah

 Second, we will have a review by both Sarah and I of the book Cat O Nine tails by Patricia Leever. This is the reworked version of her fic by the same name. Patty has graciously offered us an e-book to give away in a contest. AS WELL AS other Cat O Nine tails swag. (Head out of the gutter pervs. She is not giving away an actual Cat O Nine Tails!)
I also interviewed Patty about this story when it was fic. Again, Sarah has never read the fic or talked to Patty, LOL. (For those of you who wonder, Sarah is on the outer fringe of fandom. Meaning she has read a few fics here and there, but has no idea who any of the people that write them are. She mostly reads HP fic too.)(Hey, I read ALOT of fic..hahaha!! Just because I do not remember who the writers are doesn't not mean I am outer fringe material...so there!!! :-p)

I will be posting links the marvelous stories that some dear friends wrote me based on pictures of the stunning Joe Manganiello. Yes, he is inspiring!! (Stunning gif of Joe yumyum doing something stunning!!)

 Of course, we will have our Flashback Friday post. What fic will I talk about? I don't know yet, but I'm sure to pick something.

Hmmm, so many choices.

Who knows, maybe between now and later tonight, I will come up with poll. Or some kind of a strange game we can play.

SO, all in all to me, it looks like it will be a fun week on SYTYCW!

Happy Bloggiversary!!!!!!!!!!


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