Now before I bore you with too much talk on fan fic. Let me say these few things so you understand where I am coming from.
I love historical fiction.
I love historical romance.
I loved this story as a fic for a long time. It was my "go to fic" to rec to people. Well, pretty much until it was pulled. What I like about how this particular P2P (pulled to publish) was handled. It is that roughly a month before she was pulling her story, she let everyone know. She said go ahead grab a copy ,share with your friends. It was her intent to rewrite the story, make it tighter, neater, and cleaner for the self publishing she did.
How did I get to the point of reviewing this P2P? I follow Killian on twitter. It is because anytime I see her tweet about a contest to win this book, I go enter it. Sure enough, Killian tweeted "does anyone with a book review blog want to read my book and give me an honest review".
"Hey, we have done a few books here and there." I tweeted her and here we are.
I promised an honest review. So I am going to give it.
Reading a pulled to publish book is an odd experience for me. This is the second one I have read.
The story feels familiar. You know you have read most of it before ,but there are things slightly different.
Now it has been a long time since I have read this particular fic. (Even though I do have a copy of the fic.)
I also warned Killian that I would not go easy on her book. I am treating this as though I bought it. It is because I want to let you know if this is something you should spend your money on.
The story is as I remembered it. It was an easy fast read to me. It felt a little tighter because writing an episode at a time means you can have more stuff in the story. to me the extra stuff seems to have been removed (again it has been a while since I have read the fic version)
It had the excitement and the mystery.
WHY did this English lord want this girl ? What was so spectacular about her?
It had twists and turns. In some places felt like a soap opera.
ALL in all, a good escape for a days read.
In this story we have the English Lord who comes to Ireland. This Lord gives the poor tennant a chance to keep her families cottage.
The deal? She has to come and spend time with him. Every time they meet, the time doubles.
This is a detailed story with people being stupid people, to be honest. By that, I mean they are doing the best they can with what they have. They are not omniscient. They do not know or see the things we do.
WHO should buy this book IMO?
If you like a romance that feels like a good escape. One where you can just bury yourself in another world and suspend your reality for a day.
If you like historical romance and adventure.
what I liked,
the romance between these two is one of those sweeping classical kind
the mystery in the story even having read the basic plot before in fic form I still took great enjoyment from that
I like the female lead she makes mistakes she screws up but she is still plugging along.
I like he writing style I just like the way Killian writes there is something about it that makes me comfortable I really cannot describe it any better than that
Now for the problems........
The editing was terrible. I found several errors. That took a great deal away from the enjoyment of the story. I am usually not that picky about it, but when I find as many as I did, it started to get distracting. Also, know that since I am not good at editing myself, I do not usually see those kinds of errors. The errors I tend to find are continuity errors. Or words that are not correct such as; "he" instead of "the".
So, if that kind of thing does not bother you, you would probably enjoy the book more than I did.
All in all, on an amazon rating scale, I would give it 3 stars. Only because they do not allow for half stars I would give it 3 1/2 here. (please note that I RARELY give 5 stars to anything I usually give 4 to things I find excellent)
A good story. A good read. A nice escape. A good romance with some great hot sexual tension and very good love scenes. It felt like reading an old friend.
Thanks Killian for the opportunity to read this book. I still love the story. It is one that has stayed with me for years. Now I think of them with their book names.
Okay, this is Sarah. This is my review of a Love By Any Measure By Killian McRae.
***WARNING......I have a potty mouth***
I would like to start with a DAMN!!! Was I supposed to give a very detaled description in my review. I do not know. I feel as if my review has been trumped by my Aunts. I guess next time I will tell a bit more about the story in more of a graceful summery. Now on with my review.......
Well, how to start? This would be my first review of a book ever. I am however, not including when I was in school either. So, lets see, I liked the book. BUT, there are some things that I would like to address.
The main characters, Maeve O' Conner and Lord August Greyson, are a cute pair. Their relationship is filled with friendship, hurt, deceit, love, distrust, and all of the above. I would not say that it is a typical relationship. They had their ups and downs with some odd twists.
I liked the overall storyline. The chapters tell you what year and where they are. The book also tells you about the past with some chapters. While still keeping with the present situations through others. It keeps you entertained while you read. You also get to understand different character view points with the switching of years.
I have to say that for a historical book, I liked it very much. Now, my aunt will tell you that is a BIG compliment. That would be because I am not one to read them. I frankly do not like them. Although, A Love By Any Measure was a good read. Yes, it is a historical romance, but it is more than that. There is suspense, action, fighting, fires, drama, and of course SEX!!!! With lots, lots more of great things.
RANT TIME!!!!!!!
The one thing I could have done without was the typos, misuse of words, run on sentences, and just some clusterfuck of words. I can explain. I for one like the book, but I am curious about these problems. It is a published book. Why didn't the editor catch these. Editors go to school for this, yet I caught all of the mistakes. Those should have been addressed right away. I have to say that if I was the publisher, I would have fired the idiot who let these mistakes get published. The book itself would have been much better if the editor had done their job. I put no blame on the author. They are the ones that write their book the best they can. As an editor, you are to make sure that the book is grammatically (Which is WAY too may doubles in this one word...hahaha!!) correct. There was just a clusterfuck of mistakes. I for one should not have compensated for some of the sentences with my own words. All to just get past that one particular sentence at the time. Shame on that editor. This book would be GREAT without the clusterfuck.
Okay, I am done ranting. On with my review........
If you can look past the clusterfuck of mistakes, read it. I actually recommend this book. AND this coming from someone who does not like historical books, that is good. I loved the characters, plot, storyline, and the mushy end. I liked the all of it. What I do also recommend is that this author needs a new editor. I did not go to school for it, but I know mistakes when I see them. I do not know how many stars to give it because the editor sucked fucking ass. I would have given it 5 plus stars. It was THAT good. BUT the clusterfuck of mistakes puts me off from giving all those stars.
Thank you Killian for this opportunity to read and review your book. I absolutely enjoyed the story. I do hope in the future that you can get an amazing editor. Keep writing wonderful stories!!
NOW for the surprise both Sarah and I would recommend this story for you to read aside from its editing errors this is a story that we both took a great deal of enjoyment reading
WE are having a contest!
comment below and be entered in a drawing to win an e copy of this book
The Drawing will take place for this book on Friday at 6pm central time and that evening there will be an announcement post
So please enter the contest this book is worth the read!

I read it as a Twific and enjoyed it. So now that it has been revised I would love to give it a go.
= )
Oh I love historical fictions especially set in England. I haven't read Twice as long, but I have a copy and plan on reading it.
You know me and books, Sue. There's always room for another!Historical fiction, when well done, is a pleasure. Autumn.
I loved this story and would be very excited to read it again!
Ah, what the heck. I'll throw my hat in the ring.
Ah, what the heck. I'll throw my hat in the ring. ;)
I'd love to read this (again)! Live your blog too.
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