April 10, 2010

WhyNotFO's interview with RunsfromReality about 'Distilling Down'

Seeking a vaccine for vampirism, Edward and Carlisle created another type of monster - someone they love who can't remember how to be anything but deadly. With love, science, and murder in the air, the ultimate outcome is
anyone's guess. Mature themes for mature readers.

Are you looking for an amazing mindfuck of a story? One where you can’t tell which way is up… but you can’t wait for the next chapter? I definitely recommend Distilling Down! This is in no way your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Twi love story. We first encounter Bella on a beach, looking at a picture of her smiling in the arms of a man that she was hired by the Volturi to kill? Capture? We don’t know. And that is only the first mystery. I don’t want to give away too much (like I could!), because I want you to read this incredible story. Take away the Twi garb..uh… STUFF (hint-hint), and this could be a best seller.

The plot winds between Russia, Italy, Washington… and that’s just in the first few chapters. We meet old friends, and new characters, as well as the characters we’ve come to know used in interesting, different ways. Though Emoward remains, he actually has a reason this time! Remember sweet, motherly Esme? Uh-uh. “Independent Operative” of whom even the Volturi are afraid. Jasper? Dark past. Double agent once? Maybe. Same with Laurent. My favorite change up is Boxer Ben. LOL!

And Bella? Ahhh… our sweet, sweet Bella. Deliciously frightening and mysterious. An Angel of Death, who takes vamp and human alike. Some of my favorite lines are at the end of chapter two:

“Pile what up?”

“The same thing she always does, Alice. Bodies. Wherever she is, you know someone’s dying.”

Heh-heh-heh! I love that!

Here’s what runsfromreality has to say:

Where did you get the idea for this story? What was your inspiration?
I was actually working on another story when this one came to me, and it came into my head in full cinematic quality with sound and special effects. How could I resist that? There was this scene with the two main characters having dinner together, followed by a massive chase scene. I wrote 30 pages before breaking down and labeling them as Edward and Bella.

For the record, I knew it was Edward when he shot the piano, which is a scene that leads up to the Prologue and may never, sadly, actually appear in the story. The dinner scene was so key to setting up everything that happened after, but in terms of the character’s lives (and not just my personal entertainment) the story really starts with Bella on the rocks in the Prologue.

Is there anything you would want readers to know specifically?
I love each and every one of you, and yes, I will show you everything. Eventually.

Why should readers read your story?
Readers should pick up my story because it has strong characters, snappy dialogue, and one twisted bitch of a plot. The fluffy bits and lemons aren’t dished up on a platter, and if you skim through the paragraphs you’re going to miss something. It’s written with love for a good story that hits your brain as well as your hormones.

E/N: Chees… are you surprised? You know I like the brainy stories! J

So you do anything special while writing a chapter like listen to special music, need total silence, eat a bag of M&Ms, whatever …
Pray fervently that what I’m writing isn’t utter horse, um, crap.

Do you have a soundtrack to your stories?
I don’t have a soundtrack per se, although I did the plot outline to the Black Eyed Peas Elephunk album.

There are a few songs that capture the mood of characters in given scenes, and whenever I feel like the characters are getting away from me, I go get their specific mood sounds. For example, the sound of Bella’s amnesia is Poe’s Spanish Doll, and the sound of Edward’s depression is You Made A Fool Of Me from the Love and Basketball soundtrack. Bella on the run in Italy and in Russia is 24 by Jem, and Bella sick in St. Petersburg is Quiet Then by Cloak. The antagonistic relationship between Bella and Edward is Wiggley Things, by Patty Griffin.

What actor/actress do you picture as Edward and Bella?
I picture all the characters as the people who play them in the movies, moderated by thousands of reams of fan fic descriptions.

Is the story all planned out or do you do it as a fly by the seat of your pants thing?
The story is all planned out. In fact, when I was first approaching betas, I was embarrassed, because the outline/summary was longer than the chapters.

Do you have a posting schedule? If so, what is it?
Ideally, every other week.

Do you believe in HEA?
I’m a hopeful romantic at heart.

Any more fic plans in the future?
I have some one shot ideas, but I want to focus on finishing Distilling Down first.

What brought you to fanfic? To Twilight?
Twilight I got from my sister, and then when I was playing online to learn more about the books I discovered Cleolinda’s summaries of the Twilight Saga. Somehow from there I found fan fiction. Then three months of my life disappeared . . .

SUE HERE WOW only 3 months??

What is your background in writing?
I’ve written off and on my whole life, and now make my living as a content creator and ghostwriter for various websites and writing agencies.

Have you had any Twilight related/ RPattz dreams?
When I read a particularly good fic, I’ll dream about the characters. Rpattz dreams? Not so much. Kellan, now . . . .

Which character do you see yourself as? And who would you like to see yourself with?
Angela? Oddly, usually I see myself outside the story. I’ll take Kellan/Emmett, with Edward as my consolation prize.

Which RL author inspires you? Did any FF authors inspire you?
At the moment I’m wishing Stieg Larson wasn’t dead and JR Ward published faster. My FF favorites vary, depending if I’m in the mood for fluff, angst, humor, or citrus.

Any recs for us?
Offline, pick up The Historian. Just do it. Then read the whole Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Two equally unforgettable slices of vamp life.

Online, La Canzone della Bella Cigna is so well done it’s ridiculous, as is The Girl Under The Bed, Deconstructing Dracula, Shadowboxer, and Detruit. For angst, Not Meant To Be owns me right now, and Clipped Wings. Pure romance is Cocktails & Dreams, Work in Progress, and I Hate You, Kiss Me. Fun ones are The Hotel Meyer, Edward Wallbanger, The Screamers, Well, This Sucks: Life According to Seth, and The Wingman. I’m out of hot stuff at the moment—I was an Office junkie, but now the best I’ve got to point to is Tides.

Short picks are Shameless Developments, a citrusy novella, and We Were Nomads, Trapped in Concrete, a one shot that has a delightfully otherworldly feel.

Anything else you would like to add?
Whether you read me or read someone else, please, please read. And if it’s fan fic review!


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