THERE will be spoilers ahead! If you do not wish to be spoiled by my fangirling over this amazing book then stop reading and just buy it--you will not be sorry I promise you that !
I will wait patiently here while those who do not wish to be spoiled leave the blog.
OK are they gone?
Oh, good!
Lets talk about The Angel:
If you read Tiffany Reisz's The Siren, we are back in Nora's world. She is now with Soren. Zach is back home in England with his Grace, and Michael, the sad young man we met in The Siren, is doing better. Wesley went home.
Sounds like an HEA if ever I heard one..
Those nasty powers that be want to possibly promote Soren to Bishop! An investigative reporter, a real hound dog, gets an anon tip and now the mystery and fun begins. Soren orders Nora to take Michael and leave, to go stay with a friend up state. The friend is none other than that lovely little playboy, Griffin.
What happens for the rest of the story is just a marvelous, slow, delicious reveal of personalities and circumstances that lead us to this point.(how's that for vague?)
What I adore about Tiffany's books is the slow, easy way things are shown to us instead of a massive narrative that feels like we are being preached at or beat over the head with plot and intent. We are given glimpses of these people. We get to know more about them through their actions and flashbacks, and using the investigative reporter to find out more details works beautifully.
Another thing I love about her stories is that while the sex is VERY hot and tasty, it is not the main focus of the story.
Yes, she is switch, living life as a sub to a dom priest /lover.
Yes, Griffin is a bi-sexual playboy Dom who has a taste for--well, everything.
But the main thrust (see what I did there?) of the story is not the sex; these characters are just humans who like to have sex.
NOW let us talk about young Micheal--this is his story after all. He is The Angel. A boy who came from a broken home who thinks it is his fault (like many children do), he thinks he is a pervert because of the way society views the things he is attracted: to he likes men, he likes women, and he is a sub.
Part of me says maybe this is one of those teenage phases like purple hair or wearing those god awful dirty ripped tee shirts and baggy pants (I'm in the midwest--those are still fashionable here), but then again this might just be who he is and my heart breaks for this kid who, like many teens, feels misunderstood by most of the adults around him. As a mom, I'm not thrilled at the idea of him going off with these people; however, better for him to get attention from people who care about him than indifference and being ignored or insulted by his own family.
Poor Micheal needs someone to love him, who wants to build him up and care for him, and he does indeed find that. Despite his being seventeen (almost eighteen ) I am OK with it mostly because I remember (vaguely) being that age.
Micheal needs this love to gain strength and be his own man. I know there are people who do not understand the whole D/s relationship, don't understand that it is a mutual thing. There will be people who will say, "Oh, he is so young to be making these choices..." blah blah blah
To that I give you this: a boy seventeen and a half, finishing up high school, can't afford to go to college, willingly signs the papers with a recruiter to say he will dedicate his time to service. Is he too young to make that choice and that decision? Many young people that age chose those things. It is dangerous; it could affect him for the rest of his life; it could cause harm--many choices can cause harm--and I'm sounding preachy, so I must stop defending this imaginary boy.
So, if you loved The Siren and want to learn more about this universe and the people that are in it, you will also love this one.
BE WARNED: the ending to this one will leave you craving the third installment. I know I got to the end and I was all, "WTF?? WHAT HAPPENS NOW??"
What happens now is that I have to wait till the end of November for the release of The Prince!
In the mean time, I will entertain myself with my silly fan blog dedicated to this world and I will read the works of many other fabulous authors--I hope to bring you more soon.

We at SYTYCW will be doing a Read-A-Long of this book.
October 5th and October 6th--2 nights of fun tweeting and give aways. Pay attention to main page of SYTYCW. You will see our October Read a Long tab go up in a couple weeks. When you click on that, it will give you the details about the contests and the read a long

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