November 9, 2011

Glee fic: The Sidhe by Chazzam

The Sidhe by Chazzam

Last time I wrote, I introduced you to the Glee world of fic and Klaine. I’m not going to lie but I’m still OBSESSED with Glee, so please humour my flailing over anything and everything Glee/Klaine.

This time I’m reccing something that is a Glee fic in as much as the main characters are Kurt and Blaine. This fic, I found by accident and ended up staying up late into the night reading it as fast as I could.

The Sidhe by Chazzam
Epic romantic fantasy adventure, seriously AU, with angst and fluff in equal measure. I can sense your hesitation, but just give the first chapter a try. It's been winning some folks over and it may surprise you.
Glee - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 32 - Words: 118,669 - Reviews: 2905 - Updated: 7-15-11 - Published: 5-13-11 - Blaine & Kurt H. - Complete

First off, The Sidhe (pronounced ‘Shee’) is a fantasy. Blaine is a human living in a place called Villalu, where there is a roaring slave trade of the Sidhe. The Sidhe are like elves, powerful, beautiful and long-lasting. However, this slave culture is more than just manual labour...

One day, Blaine goes along with his master, the prince of Villalu, to buy more slaves, and this is when we meet Kurt. Kurt is a Sidhe, and despite his predicament, Blaine notices the fire in his eyes has not gone out, he’s still fighting. Blaine immediately decides then and there to somehow free this Sidhe, and get him back to his homeland.

And this is where the story begins. Chazzam weaves a complex world around these two characters that is infinite, lush and detailed. All the original characters are well developed and interesting. Kurt and Blaine themselves are recognisable as Kurt and Blaine, because despite their different circumstances, Chazzam has worked in the traits we see in the show into the personalities of these characters. Eg. Kurt in the show has had a very hard time at school, so has built up walls to protect himself, but is still inherently positive. Sidhe!Kurt is the same, but this stems from being in captivity as a slave.

As the story progresses, you learn more and more about the Sidhe and their ways, and about Kurt’s life before he was captured. Of course, over time Blaine and Kurt become closer, and the fluff, smut and angst start to come with equal measure.

I think the underlying story of these two people finding each other and battling the odds to try to stay together is what keeps you reading, not the supernatural goings-on, or the world Chazzam has built. The epilogue by itself is a masterpiece that will leave you wanting to know more, but satisfied at the same time.

This fic already has a pretty solid following. The author has a tumblr, where she posts fanart, and has answered some questions to be read after you’ve finished (i.e very spoilery).

I hope you enjoyed my last rec, and will give this one a try.

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